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Vedic Lifestyle and Nutrition 

Working with a practitioner of Ayurveda & Yoga is a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey toward optimal health and peace of mind. Method Mindful offers live-video and, when possible, in-person mentorship to serve both the local and global community. As your Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Ayurvedic Chef, Lifestyle and Mindset Coach, I will support you through a step-by-step process to improve your ability to overcome obstacles and keep you on your path to reaching your personal goals.


Prior to your first visit you will spend approx. 20min completing a well-being assessment to help me learn more about you. This includes an understanding of your daily diet, routines and habits, current medications and supplements, your relationships, exercise routines, job/profession, your sleep quality and any other information you want to share. Through this we are able to identify the potential causes of imbalance in the mind or body and can provide a bespoke well-being plan to support vibrant living. 




90 minutes in length, $255


From this experience, you can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the foundational principles of Ayurveda. At your initial consultation, be prepared to talk about yourself. We will take time together to review, ask any questions, and discuss more in-depth your completed well-being assessment. I couple this information with other diagnostic tools, such as Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis (in-person visits) and physical health observations (skin, eyes, tongue) to customize your well-being plan. 


During this visit we expand on the foundational principles of Ayurveda and provide a summary of your Vikruti (current state of imbalance), as well as a customized well-being plan to begin your healing journey. This plan may include lifestyle recommendations, dietary suggestions, herbs, color therapy, sound therapy, aromatherapy, massage therapy, and other natural therapeutics.



follow up well-being mentorship sessions

up to 35 minutes in length, $89 (eligible after initial consultation and assessment)


Ayurveda emphasizes harmony in all areas of your life. In order to successfully implement this well-being plan into your life,  for those that are ready for more rapid transformation and habit optimization, regular sessions are recommended over a six-to twelve-month period. Sessions are designed to provide an opportunity to check-in on you, help you adapt to any challenges with supportive strategies, and to continue with additional recommendations as you work to integrate ways to create a more optimal environment for health and healing to occur. Since sessions are personalized and focused on your current needs this could include coaching and mentorship to movement or meditation, deep rest practices, or cooking classes.

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